Proteomics of In Vivo Models of Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic review with a Systems Biological Perspective

Deregulated proteome from brain

A total number of unique 288 deregulated proteins were manually extracted from the ivProt studies (n=76). Forty four unique proteins were deregulated in more than one independent study. These proteins were grouped into 4 categories based on sample location, model type, occlusion/ reperfusion, and regulation; 1) Group I- Consistent Regulation Matched Variables, 2) Group II- Consistent Regulation Unmatched Variables, 3) Group III- Inconsistent Regulation, *Group III has not been discussed in the main text.

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Gene Symbol Protein Name Model Type (Study Count) Sex (Study Count) Occlusion/ Reperfusion (h/h) Location/ Regulation
Group I: Consistent Regulation Matched Variables
Dpysl2 Dihydropyrimidinase-Like 2 pM (7) M (7) 24/0 Cor(↑)
Hspd1 Heat Shock Protein Family D (Hsp60) Member 1 pM (7) M (6), F (1) 24/0 Cor(↑)
Pdxp Pyridoxal Phosphatase pM (2) M (2) 24/0 Cor(↑)
Ahcy Adenosylhomocysteinase  pM (8) M (8) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Ak1 Adenylate Kinase 1 pM (2) M (2) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Apoa1 Apolipoprotein A1 pM (4) M (4) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Dnm1l Dynamin 1-Like pM (3) M (3) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Eif4a2 Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4A2  pM (3) M (3) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Eno2 Enolase 2 pM (5) M (5) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Gapdh Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase pM (3) M (3) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Hpca Hippocalcin pM (7) M (6), F (1) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Idh1 Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (Nadp(+)) 1 pM (6) M (6) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Idh3a Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (Nad(+)) 3 Catalytic Subunit Alpha pM (3) M (3) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Pea15 Proliferation And Apoptosis Adaptor Protein 15 pM (6) M (5), F (1) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Pkm Pyruvate Kinase M1/2  pM (3) M (3) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Ppp2r2b Protein Phosphatase 2, Regulatory Subunit B, Beta pM (4) M (4) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Prdx2 Peroxiredoxin 2  pM (4) M (4) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Pvalb Parvalbumin pM (5) M (4), F (1) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Txn1 Thioredoxin 1  pM (3) M (3) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Uchl1 Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1 pM (6) M (6) 24/0 Cor(↓)
Group II: Consistent RegulationUnmatched Variables
Alb Albumin tM (6) M (6) 2/4, 1/24, 2/12, 1.5/24, 1.5/24, 2/24 Hem(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑), Hem(↑), Cor(↑), Hem(↑)
Pgk1 Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1 pM (1), tM (3), pM (1) M (6) 2/0, 2/4, 2/24, 2/48, 96/0 Hem(↑), Hem(↑), Hem(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Aldoc Aldolase, Fructose-Bisphosphate C tM (3), pM (1) M (4) 1.5/24, 0.5/48, 2/48, 96/0 Hem(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Gfap Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein tM (4) M (4) 2/24, 2/24, 2/168, 2/336 Hem(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Sptan1 Spectrin, Alpha, Non-Erythrocytic 1 pM (1), tM (3) M (4) 24/0, 2/12, 0.5/48, 2/48 Cor(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Vim Vimentin tM (4) M (4) 2/24, 2/24, 2/168, 2/336 Hem(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Uchl1 Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1  pM (1), tM (2) M (3) 2/0, 2/4, 2/24 Hem(↑), Hem(↑), Hem(↑)
P4hb Prolyl 4-Hydroxylase Subunit Beta tM (3) M (3) 1/24, 0.5/48, 2/48 Cor and Str(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Pgam1 Phosphoglycerate Mutase 1 pM (1), tM (1), pM (1) M (3) 2/0, 2/24, 96/0 Hem(↑), Hem(↑), Cor(↑)
Tpm3 Tropomyosin 3  pM (1), tM (2) M (3) 2/0, 2/4, 2/24 Hem(↑), Hem(↑), Hem(↑)
Anxa5 Annexin A5 tM (3) M (3) 1.5/72, 1.5/336, 4/672 Peri(↑), Peri(↑), Hem(↑)
C3 Complement C3 tM (3) M (3) 2/4, 1.5/24, 2/24 Hem(↑), Hip(↑), Hem(↑)
Gap43 Growth Associated Protein 43 pM (1), tM (2) M (3) 2/0, 2/4, 2/24 Hem(↑), Hem(↑), Hem(↑)
Hspa1b Heat Shock Protein Family A (Hsp70) Member 1B tM (3) M (3) 2/24, 2/168, 2/336 Cor(↑), Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Mdh1 Malate Dehydrogenase 1 tM (3) M&F (2), M (1) 1/24, 1/24, 1.5/24 Hem(↓), Hem(↓), Hem(↓)
Tf Transferrin tM (3) M (3) 2/4, 1.5/24, 2/24 Hem(↑), Hip(↑), Hem(↑)
Tnfrsf11b Tnf Receptor Superfamily Member 11B tM (3) NA (1), NA (1), NA (1) 1/3, 1/6, 1/20 Hem(↑), Hem(↑), Hem(↑)
Dpysl2 Dihydropyrimidinase-Like 2 tM (1), pM (1) M (2) 1.5/24, 24/0 Hem(↑), Str(↑)
Hspd1 Heat Shock Protein Family D (Hsp60) Member 1  tM (1), pM (1) M (2) 1.5/24, 24/0 Hem(↑), Str(↑)
Eno2 Enolase 2  tM (1), pM (1) M&F (1), M(1) 1/24, 24/0 Hem(↓), Str(↓)
Aco2 Aconitase 2 tM (2) M (1), M&F (1) 0.5/48, 1/24 Cor(↓), Hem(↓)
Ctsb Cathepsin B tM (2) M (2) 2/168, 2/336 Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Mdh2 Malate Dehydrogenase 2 tM (2) M (2) 1.5/24, 2/48 Hem(↑), Cor(↑)
Ppp2ca Protein Phosphatase 2 Catalytic Subunit Alpha tM (2) M (2) 0.5/48, 2/48 Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Stxbp1 Syntaxin Binding Protein 1 tM (2) NA (1), NA (1) 1/6, 1/20 Hem(↓), Hem(↓)
Syn2 Synapsin II tM (2) M (2) 1/24, 2/48 Cor(↑), Cor(↑)
Tpi1 Triosephosphate Isomerase 1  pM (2) M (2) 2/0, 96/0 Hem(↑), Cor(↑)
Eno1 Enolase 1 tM (1), pM (1) M (2) 1.5/24, 3/0 Hem(↓), Hip(↓)
Group III: Inconsistent Regulation
Gapdh Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase tM (2) M (2) 1.5/3, 1.5/24 Cor(↑), Hem(↓)
Pkm Pyruvate Kinase M1/2 tM (2) M (2) 1.5/24, 96/0 Hem(↓), Cor(↑)
Txn1 Thioredoxin 1 tM (1), pM (1) M (2) 2/24, 24/0 Cor(↑), Str(↓)
Gene Symbol Protein Name Model Type (Study Count) Sex (Study Count) Occlusion/ Reperfusion (h/h) Location/ Regulation
tM, tMCAO; pM, pMCAO; M, Male; F, Female; Cor, Cortex; Hem, Hemisphere; Peri, Peri infarct; Hip, Hippocampus; Str, Striatum

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