Proteomics of In Vivo Models of Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic review with a Systems Biological Perspective

Consensus proteins between in vivo and clinical proteomics datasets

The curated unique 309 deregulated proteins from animal tissue and body fluids were compared with 166 deregulated proteins curated from 10 clinical proteomics studies. A total of 39 proteins were deregulated in both clinical and animal samples. Out of these 39 proteins, 33 proteins (85%) showed identical regulation.

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Protein Clinical Proteomics ivProt Studies
Sample; Disease/Location Sampling Time (PMI/time from index event) Regulation Sample, Model Type Sampling Time (h) Regulation
ATP5B PM brain infarct; P, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Down Cor, tM 1/24 Down
DLAT PM brain infarct; P, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Down Hem, tM 1/24 Down
DPYSL2 IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Down Cor, tM 1.5/3 Down
ENO1 IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Down Hem, tM 1.5/24 Down
GANAB PI; TACI PMI 6 h Down Cor, tM 1.5/3 Down
GAPDH IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Down Hem, tM 1.5/24 Down
IDH3A IC; TACI PMI 6 h Down Cor, pM 24/0 Down
PDHB PM brain infarct; T, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Down Cor, tM 1.5/3 Down
VDAC2 PM brain infarct; P, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Down Hem, tM 1.5/24 Down
A2M Pla; LACI Median Delay: 42 Days Up Pla, pM 1.5/24 Up
ALB IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Up Hem, tM 2/4 Up
ANXA1 PM brain infarct; P, T, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Up Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
ANXA2 PM brain infarct; T, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Up Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
ANXA5 PM brain infarct; T, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Up PI, tM 1.5/72 Up
APOA1 IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Up Cor, pM 24/0 Up
ARHGDIA IC; TACI PMI 6 h Up Cor, pM 24/0 Up
C3 IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Up Hem, tM 2/4 Up
CLU Ser; AIS Within 24 h Up Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
DLG4 Ser; AIS NA Up Cor, tM 1.5/7.5 Up
FGA Pla; LACI Median Delay: 42 Days Up Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
FGB IC; TACI PMI 6 h Up Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
FGG Pla; LACI Median Delay: 42 Days Up Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
GFAP IC; TACI PMI 6 h Up Hem, tM 2/24 Up
HBB IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Up Hem, pM 2/0 Up
HP IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Up NA, tM 2/48 Up
ITIH4 Pla; LACI Median Delay: 42 Days Up Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
MBP PM brain infarct; P, PL PMI 6 h Up Cor, tM 2/72 Up
NSF IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Up Cor, pM 96/0 Up
PLG Pla; LACI Median Delay: 42 Days Up Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
PRDX1 CRM; MMI After 24 h Up Cor, tM 2/24 Up
RAB1A IC; AIS Median PMI 5.5 h Up Ser, pM 2/0 Up
TF IC; TACI PMI 6 h Up Hem, tM 2/4 Up
VIM PM brain infarct; T, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Up Hem, tM 2/24 Up
ALDOC IC, PI; TACI PMI 6 h Down Hem, tM 1.5/24 Up
APOA2 Pla; LACI Median Delay: 42 Days Down Hip, tM 1.5/24 Up
ATP5A1 PM brain infarct; P, PL Median PMI 3.5 h Down Hem, pM 2/0 Up
HPX Pla; LACI Median Delay: 42 Days Down Hem, tM 2/4 Up
LDHA IC; PI PMI 6 h Down Cor, pM 96/0 Up
HSPA8 IC; TACI PMI 6 h Up Cor, tM 2/24 Down
Protein Clinical proteomics ivProt Studies
Sample; Disease/Location Sampling time (PMI/time from index event) Regulation Sample, Model Type Sampling time (h) Regulation
PM, Post Mortem; P, Putamen; PL, Parietal Lobe; IC, Infarct Core; PI, Peri-infarct; TACI, Total Anterior Circulation Infarcts; T, Thalamus; Pla, Plasma; LACI,Lacunar Infarction; Ser, Serum; AIS, Acute Ischemic Stroke; CRM, Cerebral Microdialysate ; MMI, Malignant MCA infarction; PMI, Post Mortem Interval; Cor, Cortex; Hem, Hemisphere; PI, Peri Infarct; Hip, Hippocampus

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